Q:請問「嬰兒滿月」的英文要怎麼說?是baby shower 嗎?「我的小孩滿月,請你吃滿月蛋糕」英文要怎麼說?
A:這個情況用 baby shower 來描述並不合適。在美國,baby shower 絕大多數是在嬰兒出生前兩、三個月舉辦,準媽媽的姊妹淘會齊聚一堂送禮物給即將出生的小寶寶。在台灣,嬰兒滿月時,親友會打金飾作為慶賀,但 baby shower 送的禮都是嬰兒衣物、用品。
●My baby is a month old; please have a “full month cake.‥“
除了滿月蛋糕,台灣還會送親友「油飯」oil rice、「雞腿」chicken legs(或稱 drumsticks)及「紅蛋」red eggs。
●“Oil rice” is a traditional Taiwanese dish that consists of fried rice with dried shiitake mushrooms, dried shrimp, and soy sauce.
台灣傳統食物「油飯」是用乾香菇、蝦米、醬油做的炒飯。(shiitake 即「花菇,松茸」)
●“Red eggs” are red-dyed hard boiled eggs that symbolize happiness.
●Traditionally, oil rice served with chicken legs and red eggs meant that the newborn was a boy.
●And handing out cakes meant that it was a girl.
●But now, cakes and oil rice are usually given together for both boys and girls.