The Shaolin Temple, with its orange-robed fighting 1)monks, is perhaps the most famous 2)Buddhist monastery in the world. By performing amazing 3)feats of skill, strength and 4)endurance, the Shaolin monks have created a reputation as the ultimate kung fu fighters. And yet 2)Buddhism is generally considered a peaceful religion, with 5)emphasis on principles like non-violence and 6)compassion. Why, then, did the monks of Shaolin Temple become fighters?
According to legend, an Indian monk named Batuo came to China to preach Buddhism in 480 A.D. Emperor Xiaowen of the Northern Wei Dynasty was impressed with Batuo, and in 495 gave him land to build a monastery at Mt. Shaoshi, 30 miles from the capital at Luoyang. He named it Shaolin Temple, which means “temple in the woods of Mt. Shaoshi.”
根據傳說,一位名叫跋陀的印度僧侶在西元 840 年來到中國宣揚佛教。北魏孝文帝對跋陀很敬佩,於西元四九五年賜給他一塊土地,在距離首都洛陽三十哩的少室山興建寺院。他替寺院取名為少林寺,意為「在少室山樹林間的寺院」。
英檢字彙 Vocabulary Bank
1) monk (n.) 和尚,修道士
A group of monks prayed at the temple.
2) Buddhist (a./n.) 佛教的;佛教徒
(n.) Buddhism 佛教
Thailand is famous for its Buddhist temples.
3) feat (n.) 技藝,武藝
The acrobats performed amazing feats of balance.
4) endurance (n.) 耐力
(v.) endure 忍耐,忍受
Running in a marathon takes great endurance.
5) emphasis (n.) 重點
(v.) emphasize 強調,注重
Schools should place more emphasis on math and science.
6) compassion (n.) 同情,慈悲
The doctor had great compassion for his patients.
英語通 Language Guide
天下武術源出少林,這「中國武術」Chinese martial arts 現在已經簡稱為 kung fu(功夫)了。想要介紹派別給外國人了解時,「門派」可用 sect 或 school。
少林拳法光是小說中就有七十二技(根據中國大陸官方網站,這個「技」英文是 unique skill),至於我們常說的「招式」可以用 move 或「技巧」technique 來表示。
另外,少林拳法講究內外兼修,所謂「內功」internal 就是指「氣」qi 的修練,有助於「外功」external 的力量。外功是有形的招式,而許多招式大多都是觀察動物行為演變而來,好比鶴形拳或蛇形拳。某某形拳可以用 style 這個字,虎形拳即稱 tiger style。至於少林的十八般武藝則是指十八種「兵器」weapon。
Thirty years later, another Indian monk, Bodhidharma, came to China to teach Buddhist 1)meditation. When the Shaolin
4)abbot turned him away, he went to live in a nearby cave, where he 9)meditated for nine years until he achieved 5)enlightenment. Bodhidharma then returned to Shaolin Temple and founded Zen Buddhism, which
emphasizes meditation as a path to enlightenment.
When Bodhidharma began teaching meditation, he found that the monks were out of shape from lack of exercise. As his meditation techniques were very
2)demanding, he designed a series of exercises to help them develop mental and physical 6)stamina. These exercises, which were based on the movements of animals, would later become the 3)foundation of Shaolin kung fu.
英檢字彙 Vocabulary Bank
1) meditation (n.) 冥想,打坐
(v.) meditate 打坐
The Beatles traveled to India to learn meditation.
2) demanding (a.) 苛求的,高要求的
Teaching is very demanding work.
3) foundation ] (n.) 基礎,根據
The course provides the foundation necessary for advanced study.
4) abbot (n.) 住持,方丈;男修道院院長
The monks at the monastery gathered to elect a new abbot.
5) enlightenment (n.) 頓悟,開化
The ultimate goal of Buddhism is enlightenment.
6) stamina (n.) 耐力,韌性
The boxer didn’t have the stamina to last 12 rounds.
EZ 好用句型 Tongue-tied No More
out of shape 體能欠佳
shape 在這邊的意思不是「形狀」,而是指「經過鍛鍊的好體能」,若要形容某人體能狀況極佳,就可以用 in (good) shape 來表示,反之,out of shape 則表示體能欠佳。
A: How would you like to come hiking with us this Saturday?
B: I’d like to, but I’m really out of shape.
The following century was a time of war and 1)chaos, and the Shaolin monks were often forced to fight to protect their temple. Over the years, their peaceful exercises 2)evolved into a 3)martial art, and they became famous for their fighting skills. Early in the Tang Dynasty, a group of Shaolin monks helped the emperor’s son, Li Shiming, 4)defeat an enemy general. Li Shiming was 5)grateful for their help, and when he later became emperor, he gave the monks land and even made one a general in his army. The Shaolin Temple reached its peak during the Tang—at one point, it was home to over a thousand monks! After the fall of the Tang, the 6)fortunes of Shaolin Temple rose and fell with the dynasties.
英檢字彙 Vocabulary Bank
1) chaos (n.) 混亂,雜亂
The country was in chaos after the war.
2) evolve (v.) 演變,演化
Is it true that humans evolved from apes?
3) martial art (n.) 武術
Tae kwon do is the most popular martial art in the world.
4) defeat (v./n.) 戰勝,擊敗
The Americans defeated the Japanese in World War II.
5) grateful (a.) 感謝的,感激的
We felt grateful to be alive after the earthquake.
6) fortune (n.) 命運,運氣。fortunes為「運氣隨著時間的起伏」
The recession affected the fortunes of both political parties.
EZ 好用句型 Tongue-tied No More
reach its/one’s peak 達到巔峰
peak 是指「山頂,尖峰」,reach its/one!|s peak 可以用在表示某事物達到巔峰,或是某人處在最佳狀態,處於最高峰。
A: I think LeBron is the best player in the NBA.
我認為小皇帝詹姆斯是 NBA 最佳球員。
B: Yeah, and he hasn’t even reached his peak yet.
Shaolin Temple was burned down again at the end of the Ming
Dynasty, and then destroyed and rebuilt several more times during
the Qing.
Shaolin Temple’s greatest challenge, however, came in modern times. Religion and martial arts were banned by the CCP,and Shaolin monks were beaten and jailed during the Cultural 1)Revolution. By the early ’80s, there were only a few monks left. But kung fu was becoming popular again, thanks to stars like Jackie Chan and Jet Li, whose Shaolin Temple was a huge hit in China. Under the current abbot, Shi Yongxin, the temple is more famous than ever. He’s been so successful at 2)promoting the Shaolin brand that he’s even known as the “CEO monk.”
中國共產黨嚴禁宗教及武術,少林僧侶也在文化大革命期間遭到毆打和囚禁。到了80 年代初期,少林寺所剩的和尚寥寥無幾。所幸拜成龍和李連杰等明星之賜(李連杰的電影《少林寺》在中國十分賣座),中國功夫再次蔚為流行。在目前方丈釋永信領導下,少林寺比以往更為出名。他非常成功地推廣「少林品牌」,甚至被稱為「和尚CEO」。
英檢字彙 Vocabulary Bank
1) revolution [’r5v4`lu]4n] (n.) 革命
Millions of people died during the Russian Revolution.
2) promote [pr4`mot] (v.) 促銷,宣傳
The band is on tour
英語通 Language Guide
近年來,參觀少林寺也是相當熱門的旅遊行程,開放時間為早上8 點至下午5 點,門票100 元人民幣,民眾還可在門口自費找專業導遊為您進行沿路導覽。在這裡除了能欣賞每日固定的武術表演,還能到少林藥局買藥,少林寺特製的禪果和酥餅也是人手一袋的必備紀念品。
釋永信1965 年出生,俗名劉應成,17 歲即剃度出家,拜師少林;22 歲承師衣缽,擔任少林寺管理委員會主任;36 歲榮膺少林寺第三十代方丈,獲賜法號「永信」,成為少林寺史上最年輕的方丈。此外,釋永信也是中國首位取得 MBA 學位(Master of Business Administration,企業管理碩士)的僧人。他致力於推動少林文化,不但成立少林寺武僧團、少林影視公司等機構,為少林註冊商標,還跨足多項領域,如架設網站、經營素餐館、開發紀念品、舉辦中國功夫之星全球電視大賽等等,成功地將少林經營成一個品牌,並積極造訪世界各國推廣少林文化,目前已設立數十間少林寺海外中心。