Australia is a land of immigrants, and 2)award-winning chef Sean Connolly is one of them. After studying cooking in his native England, Sean worked as a cook on the QE2, the world’s most 3)luxurious 4)cruise ship. He later settled in Australia, where he became chef at one of Sydney’s finest restaurants. Now, in My Family Feast, Sean gets together with other immigrants from all over the world to learn about their 5)culinary and cultural traditions.
Many Africans from the DRC have settled in Sydney’s western suburbs, and it’s common for them to gather at each other’s homes for food and companionship. After stopping by to pick traditional African vegetables from Mbuyi’s garden, Sean heads to Isaac and Justine’s house, which serves as an unofficial meeting place for their African friends. Justine, along with her friends Stella and Rachel, will be cooking today’s feast.
澳洲是移民之國,獲獎大廚尚恩康諾利也是眾多移民之一。他在家鄉英國學成廚藝之後,就在世界上最豪華的郵輪伊莉莎白 2 號擔任廚師。後來他定居澳洲,成為雪梨一家頂級餐廳的大廚。如今,在《我家的團圓飯》這個節目中,他和來自世界各地的移民齊聚一堂,瞭解他們的料理和文化傳統。
英檢字彙 Vocabulary Bank
1) feast (n.) 豐盛的一餐,盛宴
We had quite a feast on Thanksgiving.
2) award-winning (a.) 獲獎的
The award-winning author has sold millions of books.
3) luxurious (a.) 奢華的,非常舒適的
The tycoon only stays at the most luxurious hotels.
4) cruise (n.) 巡航,搭船旅行 cruise ship 為郵輪
Let’s go for a cruise in the Caribbean.
5) culinary (n.) 烹飪的,廚房的
Martin became a chef after graduating from culinary school.
文法解析 Grammar Master
A along with/together with B
A連同 B一起
along with/together with 的意思和連接詞 and 相近,解釋為「和……一起」。但必須要注意的是,由於 along with/together with 後方接的事物是附帶的,所以句子中動詞應隨主詞變化。類似的片語還有 accompanied by,或是直接用 with 也可以。
例 Bill went to the supermarket along with Debbie.
In the backyard, the women are preparing some unusual 1)ingredients. Justine is soaking cassava leaves in hot water to remove the cyanide, Rachel is cleaning pumpkin leaves, and Stella is chopping up ngai ngai, a sour vegetable rich in vitamin C. Justine puts the cassava leaves in a pot with eggplant, smoked fish, celery, spring onion, peanuts and palm oil, and 2)simmers it to create a delicious Congolese dish.
The main course for the feast is goat 3)stew, which Justine prepares with fresh goat meat, onion, tomato, celery, chili powder, pepper and basil. And no feast would be complete without fufu, a thick Congolese 4)porridge that Stella makes by boiling corn flour in water. As the guests sit down to eat, Isaac plays a traditional African banjo and sings a song from his childhood. “Beautiful. 5)Absolutely beautiful,” says Sean.
在後院,女性們正在準備一些不常見的食材。賈斯汀把樹薯葉浸泡在熱水裡以去除氰化物,瑞秋在清洗南瓜葉,而史黛拉則在切洛神花,這是一種富含維他命 C 的酸味蔬菜。賈斯汀將樹薯葉放在鍋裡,加入茄子、燻魚、芹菜、大蔥、花生和棕櫚油,然後用小火燉成一道美味的剛果料理。
大餐的主菜是燉羊肉,是賈斯汀用新鮮羊肉、洋蔥、番茄、芹菜、辣椒粉、胡椒和羅勒做成的。所有大餐都少不了富富 (fufu),這是一種濃稠的剛果粥,是史黛拉用玉米粉加水煮成的。當客人坐下用餐,艾塞克演奏傳統非洲五弦琴,演唱他童年就會的一首歌。「好聽,真是太好聽了,」尚恩說。
英檢字彙 Vocabulary Bank
1) ingredient (n.)(烹飪)食材
Do you have all the ingredients you need to make the cake?
2) simmer (v.) 煨, 燉
The soup is simmering on the stove.
3) stew (n.) 燉煮的食物
Michelle makes an excellent beef stew.
4) porridge (n.) 粥,稀飯
We often have porridge for breakfast on cold mornings.
5) absolutely (adv.) 完全,絕對
The food at that restaurant is absolutely delicious.
英語通 Language Guide 剛果料理
DRC 是 Democratic Republic of the Congo(剛果民主共和國)的縮寫。剛果料理包羅萬象,但是最常使用的食材就是 cassava(樹薯),可以搭配各種菜色。剛果料理多以當地農作物為主,除了 cassava,常見的還有:corn(玉米)、sweet potato(甘藷)、taro(芋頭)、plantain(大蕉)、番茄、南瓜和各種豆子跟堅果。文中所提到的富富 (fufu) 是剛果人幾乎每餐必備的一道料理,將富含澱粉 (starch) 的可食用根莖植物或穀類和水蒸煮,再搗成適宜的稠度,最常搭配魚食用。
In the depths of winter, Sean joins the Le family, who came to Australia from Vietnam nearly 30 years ago, to celebrate Tét Trung Thu, the Mid-Autumn Festival (seasons are 1)reversed down under). Like the Chinese, the Vietnamese make mooncakes for the festival. Mei, daughter of Tam and Nam Le, steams mung beans and mixes them with sugar, glutinous rice flour, vegetable oil and water to make the filling. She makes the 2)crust with rice flour, sugar syrup, vegetable oil and lemon juice. The cakes are pressed in a 3)mold and they’re ready to eat—no cooking required.
Now it’s time for the main dishes. First, Lan and Tam make bun rieu—crab noodle soup. After mixing 4)minced pork, crab and shrimp with eggs and fish sauce, they heat a pot of chicken 5)stock and spoon the mixture in. Then they add tomatoes, tofu, and finally tomato and tamarind paste.
英檢字彙 Vocabulary Bank
1) reversed (a.) 倒退的,顛倒的
My mom and dad’s roles are reversed now that my dad isn’t working.
2) crust (n.) 派餅皮
Did you make the crust from scratch?
3) mold (n.) 模型,模子
Can I borrow your angel food cake mold?
4) minced (a.) 剁碎的,切碎的
Mitch added some minced garlic to the spaghetti sauce.
5) stock (n.) 高湯,清湯
Aunt Sherry makes her own beef stock.
英語通 Language Guide
「煮」boil 就是用水煮,「蒸」steam 則是利用水蒸氣。但是說到「烤」,英文有好幾個動詞。broil 和 grill 都是用火烤,真要細分差別的話,火力由上往下的叫 broil,而由下往上的則是 grill。一般來說 bake 限用於烤箱上,舉凡烤蛋糕、甜點等糕點也都用 bake。而 roast 只用在以烤箱或烤肉架烤肉或烤魚時使用。長時間燉煮會用 stew,但以文火慢煮或燉則是用 simmer。「炒」則為 stir-fry;fry 一般指「煎」,「炸」是 deep fry,「嫩炸或煎」則是 saute [s7`te](法文)。
Next is Lan’s favorite dish, Vietnamese chicken curry. She 1)marinates the chicken in a mixture of curry powder, curry paste and tomato paste, and fries it lightly. Then she simmers it in coconut juice and adds potatoes, coconut cream and chilies. Mei makes the last dish—Vietnamese pancakes. She fries a 2)batter made of rice flour, coconut cream and water, adds shrimp, sliced pork and bean 11)sprouts, and then folds it over like an 3)omelet.
The pancakes arrive at the table, and everyone 4)dines under the night sky. “The bun rieu mixed with noodles and lettuce is the most 5)refreshing dish,” says Sean. “Lan’s chicken curry was heavenly, and Mei’s pancakes completed my Vietnamese food journey.”
英檢字彙 Vocabulary Bank
1) marinate (v.) 醃漬,浸泡在滷汁裡
How long do I need to marinate the beef for?
2) batter (n.)(蛋、奶、麵粉調成的)麵糊
My favorite dish is oysters fried in batter.
3) omelet (n.) 煎蛋捲
Do you want mushrooms in your omelet?
4) dine (v.) 用餐
Tom and Sandy dined by candlelight on their anniversary.
5) refreshing (a.) 清爽的;提神的
There’s nothing like a refreshing glass of lemonade on a hot day.
英語通 Language Guide
從文中可知,越南料理用到大量的「調和」動作,一般可用 mix 來涵蓋,但講究點的話則有「攪拌」whisk,例如打蛋或打奶油都是用 whisk。 stir除了表示「攪拌」,也常用來指炒菜時的「翻炒」。baste 是指「將熱油澆淋在主菜」的動作。「切」和「剁」的英文都是 chop,將肉「剁碎」則是 chop up。「磨碎」起司則是用 grate。