The US military’s 1)elite schools turn soldiers into deadly weapons. To become the best of the best, these men go to hell and back. 2)Reconnaissance 3)Marines are the eyes and ears of the Marine Corps. The first men on the ground behind enemy lines, they gather intelligence and 4)carry out missions that support the entire Corps. The Marines only send their best. Their motto says it all: Swift, Silent, Deadly. But to earn the name 2)Recon Marine, they must first survive the legendary 12-week basic reconnaissance course. Only the strongest Marines volunteer for Recon training. Nearly half won’t make it. A group of 65 Marines assembles at Camp Pendleton. They’ve come from units across the Corps to qualify as Recon Marines.
美國最菁英的軍校可以將軍人變成致命武器。要成為箇中佼佼者,這些人必須赴湯蹈火。陸戰偵搜大隊是陸戰隊的耳目,他們是敵軍封鎖線後方第一批部隊,負責蒐集情報,執行支撐整個陸戰隊的任務。陸戰隊派出的都是菁英中的菁英,他們的座右銘道盡一切:迅速、靜默、致命。但要取得陸戰偵搜隊的頭銜,他們必須先熬過為期 12 週傳奇性的基礎偵搜訓練。唯有最強壯的陸戰隊健兒才會自願接受偵搜訓練,其中將近半數過不了關。65 名陸戰隊隊員在潘德頓營區集合,他們來自陸戰隊各單位,到此爭取進入偵搜隊的資格。
英檢字彙 Vocabulary Bank
1) elite (a.) 菁英的,頂尖的
Michael belongs to an elite group of world-class athletes.
2) reconnaissance (n.) 偵察,勘查。縮寫為 recon
Several soldiers were killed on the reconnaissance mission.
3) marine (n./a.) 陸戰隊隊員;陸戰隊的,海的
Justin has wanted to be a Marine ever since he was a little boy.
4) carry out (phr.) 完成,執行,進行
Soldiers are expected to carry our orders without asking questions.
EZ 好用句型 Tongue-tied No More
go to hell and back 赴湯蹈火
A: I hear Tom was in the hospital for six months.
B: Yeah. He really went to hell and back.
the eyes and ears of… 耳目
媽祖娘娘左右有千里眼、順風耳偵察海上災難及人間疾苦,正符合 the eyes and ears of… 「充當某人耳目」,替人蒐集情資做為判斷依據的意思。
A: Why does it take so long to train guide dogs?
B: Because they serve as the eyes and ears of their masters.
It’s day 24 of Marine Recon school, and 50 of the original 65 Marines are in Coronado, California for 1)amphibious training. Now, they will confront an unforgiving ocean carrying rifles and 50-pound 2)rucks. First, a two mile hike to the beach; then, hell in the Pacific Ocean when they get there. Marines must enter the 3)surf zone, swim 500 yards around two 4)buoys, come ashore, and then run 500 yards on land. The goal: five laps in 90 minutes. Currents and waves 5)batter the Marines who lack experience. They’re cold and drenched, but the 6)agony isn’t over. They still have to drag their rucks two miles back to base. The last mile seems endless, but if the men stop moving, they risk being dropped from the course. Only 47 Marines make it back.
陸戰隊偵搜訓練第 24 天,原本 65 名陸戰隊員剩下 50 人,在加州科羅納多接受兩棲作戰訓練。現在,他們要揹著步槍和 50 磅重的背包面對無情的海洋。首先是步行兩哩到海灘,到達之後就得面對太平洋地獄。陸戰隊員必須進入碎波帶,在兩個浮筒周圍游 500 碼,上岸,接著在陸地上跑 500 碼。目標:90 分鐘內完成 5 趟。水流和海浪令缺乏經驗的陸戰隊員吃盡苦頭,他們又冷又濕,但痛苦尚未結束,他們還得拖著背包走兩哩路回基地。這最後一哩路似乎沒有盡頭,但如果他們停止前進,就有被淘汰的危險。最後只有 47 人順利回來。
英檢字彙 Vocabulary Bank
1)amphibious (a.) 兩棲作戰的;水路兩用的
Enemy forces made an amphibious attack on the port city.
2) ruck (n.)(軍用)帆布背包,為 rucksack 的簡稱
The soldiers marched 15 miles with full rucks.
3) surf (n.) 海浪,(衝擊海灘、岩石)的碎浪。surf zone「碎波帶」即海波接近陸地開始形成浪花的淺水域
We could hear the sound of the surf from out hotel room.
4) buoy (n.) 浮標
The race course is marked with buoys.
5) batter (v.) 連續猛擊
The storm battered the northeast coast of the island.
6) agony (n.) 痛苦,打磨
Roger was in agony after he slammed the door on his thumb.
On Day 30, the remaining Marines face a 1)milestone of the course called the longest day. For the next 18 hours, the men will fight to survive in the pounding waves of the Pacific. First, a 2,000-yard combat swim in the surf, carrying 80-pound rucks, with a strong current working against them. Only 14 teams make it to the finish line. Nine hours later, the Marines are launching their Zodiacs from the beach. If they don’t 2)paddle hard enough through the surf, the boat gets 3)swamped. After 15 hours in the ocean, the Marines are given engines for their Zodiacs. They spend the next three hours smashing through the surf. Completely exhausted, the Marines have now completed 18 hours of hell.
第 30 天,剩下的陸戰隊員將面對這次訓練的里程碑:最長的一日。接下來 18 小時,隊員們將奮力於太平洋洶湧的浪中求生。首先是在浪中進行 2000 碼的戰鬥泳,揹著八十磅重的背包,突破迎面而來的強勁海流。只有 14 隊抵達終點線。9 小時後,陸戰隊員要從灘頭帶黃道帶下海。如果通過碎波帶時划得不夠用力,小艇就會被海浪淹沒。在海裡 15 個小時後,隊員將獲得黃道帶的引擎。接下來3 小時,他們要努力衝破碎浪。完成 18 小時的地獄訓練後,陸戰隊員無不筋疲力竭。
英檢字彙 Vocabulary Bank
1) milestone (n.) 里程碑
The new drug is a milestone in the treatment of cancer.
2) paddle (v./n.) 划船;槳
The boys paddled their canoe across the lake.
3)swamp (v./n.) 使沈沒,淹沒;沼澤
A huge wave swamped the tiny sailboat.
《菁英部隊魔鬼營》1 月 4 日起,每週二晚間10 點在 Discovery 頻道首播
英語通 Language Guide
U.S. Marine Corps 美國陸戰隊
可能是受到台灣海軍陸戰隊的影響,一般都會把 Marine(陸戰隊)翻譯成「海軍陸戰隊(或簡稱海陸」,其實美國的 Marine 並不隸屬於海軍,陸戰隊跟海軍平起平坐,是對等的軍種,美國陸戰隊最高指揮官職銜是「陸戰隊指揮官」( Commandant of the Marine Corps),海軍最高指揮官的職銜是「海軍作戰長」(Chief of Naval Operations) ,在軍令系統上都受命於國防部長 (Secretary of Defense)。換句話說就是美國軍事系統共有四個軍種:陸軍 (Army)、空軍 (Air Force)、海軍 (Navy) 跟陸戰隊 (Marine Corps)。
It’s week 12 at the Marine Recon course, and only 36 of the original 65 Marines are left. They have just 24 hours to go, but it’ll be the toughest 24 hours of their lives. The Marines have run missions night and day for the past week, and they have just one left: attack an enemy camp at dawn and return to base. But first they have to hold their position through a night of tear gas attacks—with no gas masks. After a long, sleepless night, they attack the enemy at daybreak. The 1)raid goes down fast, but now they have to march three miles back to base with their 2)casualties, represented by 200-pound 3)dummies. Finally, the 36 remaining men 4)descend the last hill. As they enter the base they are no longer Marines—they are Recon Marines.
這是海陸偵搜訓練第 12 週,原來的 65 名隊員僅剩下 36 名。他們只剩下 24 小時便大功告成,但這將是他們今生最難熬的 24 小時。過去一個星期,陸戰隊員已日夜不停地進行任務,如今剩下最後一個任務:拂曉攻擊敵營,然後返回基地。但首先他們必須撐過一整夜的催淚瓦斯攻擊──不戴防毒面具。歷經漫長、不眠的一夜後,他們在破曉時分攻擊敵軍。突擊行動非常迅速,但現在他們必須拖著受傷的隊友──以兩百磅重的模型人代替──行軍三哩返回基地。終於,這36 人走下最後一個山頭,步入基地時,他們不再是陸戰隊員──而是陸戰偵搜大隊的隊員。
英檢字彙 Vocabulary Bank
1) raid (n./v.) 突襲
The soldiers carried out a daring raid on the enemy base.
2) casualty (n.)(軍隊、災難,事故等)傷亡者
The army suffered heavy casualties in the battle.
3) dummy (n.) 模型假人
The students practiced first aid on a dummy.
4) descend (v.) 下來,下降
The hikers descended the mountain after a full day of climbing.
《菁英部隊魔鬼營》1 月 4 日起,每週二晚間10 點在 Discovery 頻道首播
英語通 Language Guide
美國軍隊的單位層級跟台灣類似,從最小的單位「班」一直到整個「師」。台灣軍隊的連隊名稱常用數字表示,美國則是用字母,比如電影中常會聽到 Charlie Company,指的就是 C 連,切勿以為是「查理連」。
師 division
旅 brigade
團 regiment
營 battalion
連 company
排 platoon
班 squad